Fluency amp Coherence
流畅性及连贯性1. Repeat after a recording复述练习The Frst time you repeat it will probably beslower than the actual recording so keep repeatinguntil you gain the same speed as the native speaker.Be aware that you may need to use sound links,contractions and weakened forms to match theirspeed.
2. Repeat the same topic重复练习相同的主题The first time you say a Part 2 topic, forexample, you will produce a somewhat slow responsewith little information. The more often you repeatit, the more fluently your response should come out.Remember when you begin to produce more fluentanswers, you will need to add more information toensure that you keep talking for 1-2 minutes.
刚开始练习口语测试的Part 2时,你的反应会较慢,头脑中的资料会比较少,重复练习可以改善这种状况。记住,当你讲得比较流利后,你就必须提供充分的资料来让你的回答足以持续2分钟。